Hausafamily children’s health

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Every child has a right to good health, education and a proper shelter, right here we are going to talk about the following child related topics and how we can improve our children’s well being;

  • Healthy eating habits for children
  • Importance of a proper education for children
  • How to combat obesity in children
  • Importance of a healthy physical and mental health for children

Healthy eating habits for children

A good amount of vitamins, proteins, nutrients and carbohydrates should be properly incorporated into a child’s daily meal, be it through the fruits, vegetables, processed foods, dairy products or even home cooked meals, and the reason being that it helps improve immunity and the overall physical and mental health of a child. Here are some examples of foods and fruits a child should be consuming;


Eggs; eggs are a good source of protein and perfect for your child be it boiled, as an omelette, or used in making sandwiches or other types of snacks.

Milk; milk is an essential source of protein for children it can be easily incorporated into a childs meal on a daily basis, it is high in protein, essential vitamins and minerals such as cal and vitamin D, although some kids might be lactose intolerant there are also many other lactose free milk products such as almond milk or soy milk.

Yogurt; yogurt is a high source of protein which is also rich in calcium and probiotics, it helps in digestion and keeps the gut healthy, it can be used as a mix ins like fruits, granola, nuts etc
Smoothies; one of the easiest and sweetest ways to incorporate protein into a childs meals is through protein rich smoothies, there are about a thousand different ways and options to prepare a high protein based smoothie for children. some of them includes; strawberry smoothie, almond butter and banana smoothie, chocolate and banana smoothie, milk and banana protein smoothie amongst many others.

Hausafamily children’s health
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Chicken; chicken is a good protein source that can be added to a child meal in many ways either grilled, fried, cooked, or added in salads and meals like chicken biryani, chicken sandwich, chicken curry etc.

Beef; beef is a good source of protein that is also rich in iron and zinc and an excellent food for children it is best served with rice or any other type of meal of choice.


Research shows that a healthy balance diet should should include about 50-60% of calories coming from carbohydrates.
Here are a list of foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
Brown rice, legumes, beetroot, bananas, pasta, bread, cereals, beans, potatoes, crackers etc.

Children need essential vitamins and minerals for growth and development and also to boost their immune system. Here are some examples of food and fruits that contain the essential vitamins your child should take.

-Orange, strawberry, potatoes, tomatoes, black current and broccoli all contains vitamin c -Carrots, sweet potatoes spinach and kale they all contain vitamin A
-Avocado,mango,peanut butter, cooking oil, fish and sweet peppers are all rich in vitamin E
-Soy milk, fatty fish, oily fish egg yolks, banana, guava, watermelon all contain a good amount of vitamin D
Meat, cheese, cow milk, eggs, cereals, spinach, clementines and lemons are rich in vitamin B.

Fats and oil
Fats are also essential for growth, children need a sustainable amount of it for brain development, it also supplies fuel for the body for growth.

Examples of foods, fruits and vegetables that contain fats and oil are;
Avocados,coconut, fatty meats, olives, soy beans, vegetable oils, walnuts, processed foods etc.
Moving on to the next are the;
Importance of proper education for children
In simple terms education is the act of receiving knowledge through schooling or any form of learning institution. It prepares children with the proper knowledge and skills they require to thrive in the future.

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Here are some importance of proper education for children

  1. Education helps to train students to develop a critical thinking skills.
  2. Education it develops a child’s problem solving skills.
  3. Education exposes a child to a number of life lessons and challenges.
  4. Education improves a child’s learning skill.
  5. Education helps a child to choose and make the right decision when furthering their education.
  6. Educating a child might improve the growth of the economy in the nearest future
  7. Educated Children are more likely to have a better financially stable life.
  8. Education improves the chances of a better employment opportunity for children in the
  9. Education teaches values and responsibilities, it helps a child take responsibility of their success and failures.
  10. Education creates new opportunities for children that eventually grow up and want to give back to the economy.

How to combat obesity in children

Obesity is simply caused by the excessive intake of calories without burning them or doing any physical activity or exercise, which causes lots of health issues.

Here are a list of some couple of methods one can use to combat obesity in children

  • Buying and preparing low calorie foods and snacks.
  • Incorporate a healthy diet for the child.
  • Encourage your child to eat meals on time and hours before bed.
  • Avoid eating foods while watching tv.
  • Plan a sensible portion of food for the child.
  • Teach your child about the nutritious benefits of some foods and fruits and how they can incorporate it into their diet.
  • Encourage a simple physical activity for the child once in a while.
  • Make sure your child has a proper sleeping schedule.
  • Ensure that the child isn’t going through any form of stress either from school, at home or within his/her peers.
  • Join or go for a healthy weight programs or schedule a visit to a specialist.
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Importance of a healthy physical and mental health for children

Physical health of a child is the well being of the external body parts of the body which aids in physical activities. Physical health involves, eating well, sleeping well, having a good environmental hygiene.

Mental health is the overall well being of a child mentally it helps a child function well and keeps their emotions in check.

Here’s how and why your child should have a good mental and physical health

  • Having a healthy diet improves the overall wellbeing of a person mentally and physically.
  • Incorporate lots of physical activities for the body.
  • Eating proper foods improves stronger bones and muscles.
  • Being mentally and physically fit encourages a proper weight control.
  • It helps fights off illnesses better.
  • Helps child feel more energetic.
  • It helps reduces stress.
  • A good mental health reduces stress and anxiety.
  • A good physical and mental health increases confidence.
  • It makes a child have a more emotional stable life.
  • Helps a child build a good social skill.
  • Helps a child build a good social integration.
  • It increases the feeling of self worth.



Please note, before taking any form of medication make sure you consult a healthcare provider for additional medical advice, test and assistance.

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